REDKEN FUSION 2014, the biggest single manufacturer education event in Canada GRAND OPENING SHOW WAS A SPECTACULAR SUCCESS! This year for the 3rd editition again yours truly -Pascal and Jeremie- Co Produced, Art Directed and Fashion Styled the grand opening of Fusion 2014. 1 100 guests from all around Canada, lived an extraordinary experience in an Airplane Hangar that we transformed into a spectacular venue, showcasing an epic show. After the show, people partied until late in the night under the stars next to planes on the airport tarmac. Thank you Redken Canada for your trust, thank you everybody for working on this event, you truly pushed the limits on this one and we are so proud to work beside all of you!! Tons of photos and videos will come very soon of this extraordinary event that once again raised the bar of hair events in the world! Enjoy Life and Be Spectacular our Friends!! with love from P&J
to see more of this event click HERE